I spend quite a bit of time online, more than I should at times. I have a few blogs I 'write' and I follow a few others, I keep up with MMA and football and I get my news and political commentary from the net. I also spend quite a bit of time on Facebook. I have come across some pretty cool accounts of the Victory of Jesus in people's lives and other things that glorify the Great Jesus.



I was married shortly after my active military duties. 6 months after I was married my first son was born. I loved my wife and child but satan had a grip on me and my life! My wife gave birth to our second child 3 years later. I was a very distant husband and father. I spent the next several years partying and chasing my drug of choice-Chrystal meth. I still knew that I was loved by family and friends, but I only cared to get high. I took on odd jobs and they only lasted a short time as I was not reliable at all. My wife would tell me constantly that she was praying for me. I didn’t care! I only cared about me and my habit. I progressed from snorting to smoking crank. I spend days and days awake ‘gone’ and away from home. When I returned home I slept for days and days. Some times I would even stay home long enough to go to church, but I would often make excuses as to why I had to leave early. Over the next couple of years I went from bad to worse. I wrecked 5 cars in 3 years (falling asleep at the wheel). My wife and kids would still go to church and they walked everywhere. One evening my wife and I were fighting and she told me she was leaving me. She grabbed the kids and left the house. I was tired of being tired and even more tired of chasing my high and not my family. I was alone at home that evening and I got on my knees and prayed for God to forgive me as I was going to take my own life. I took an entire bottle of sleeping pills and I lay down to never wake up again. I was so sure that everyone would be better off with out me..how selfish! When I awoke early the next morning I knew that it could only have been the hand of God that saved me. Shortly after I awoke the phone rang, it was my wife; she had a feeling that I was going to try something dumb. I told her what I had TRIED to do and what had happened. I made a covenant with God and my wife that day; if God would restore my family I would never use drugs again. I am sitting here today as a living testimony that miracles happen and that we can all be restore by His grace. I have been clean and spirit filled since that day over 6 years ago. I will spend the rest of my life for His glory. I want everyone to know that no matter how low you think you may be, God will restore and return EVERYTHING that satan has stole from you, just ask and ye shall receive.

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