I spend quite a bit of time online, more than I should at times. I have a few blogs I 'write' and I follow a few others, I keep up with MMA and football and I get my news and political commentary from the net. I also spend quite a bit of time on Facebook. I have come across some pretty cool accounts of the Victory of Jesus in people's lives and other things that glorify the Great Jesus.


Praise and Thanksgiving

Brian S: "To whom be glory for ever. Amen" -- Romans 11:36 Anything less is self focus, let's give Him all of it this week!
Dottie H: Praise to God for His Holiness The LORD is king; let the peoples tremble! Mighty King, lover of justice, O LORD our God, you answered them; Extol the LORD our God, and worship at his holy mountain; for the LORD our God is holy. (excerpts of Psalm 99)

Elaine S: I am thankful for God's provision in my life. No matter what may have been happening around us: job lay-off, medical expenses, unexpected household needs God has always provided. He has always been, and is the supplier of my every need.

Michele G: God is faithful! He is gracious and loving and patient. He is my Rock! He is my Lord! Blessed is today for He has done great things.

Dan T: Took an early out. Lots of things to get done before the snow fly's. What a nice fall it has been. To God alone be the Glory !!!

Steve C: I'm more interested in God's dream than mine..in My destiny only as it relates to His predestination. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who knows how to groan for what the Father wants.

Dave T: Today was a day just like every other day: He was faithful when I wasn't. 2 Tim 2:13

Hannelore: is praising the Lord for answered prayer!

CJ: A little disappointed, but I will still praise HIM!!!

Dave T.: GLORY! I am amped! There is a lot of Praise and Thanksgiving on fb today! People declaring His Lordship, His Faithfulness and their appreciationg for Him! ***Sing praise to the LORD, you saints of His, And give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name. Psalm 30:4

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