I spend quite a bit of time online, more than I should at times. I have a few blogs I 'write' and I follow a few others, I keep up with MMA and football and I get my news and political commentary from the net. I also spend quite a bit of time on Facebook. I have come across some pretty cool accounts of the Victory of Jesus in people's lives and other things that glorify the Great Jesus.


Dire Circumstances=God's Opportunity-Kristi Harris

Below is a note that Kristi Harris, a  facebook friend of my wife's and mine wrote.

Earlier today, the Lord led me to the following passages of Scripture:

1 Samuel Chapter 30
Daniel Chapter 2

I invite you to read the above passages for yourself. When I had finished reading them, this is what the Lord had me write down...

In these two chapters, we see mighty men of God responding to
terrible situations which threatened not only their reputations and influence, but their very lives and the lives of others.
David in 1 Samuel Chapter 30 is faced with the Amalekite destruction of
Ziklag. The city has been burned, and the women and children of the city taken into captivity, including his own two wives. In Daniel Chapter 2, Daniel hears that he, his friends, and all wise men of Babylon will soon be destroyed by order of the king if no one can interpret the king's dream.
Each of these men is deeply distressed by their situation. Each is grieved for
those who are affected and wants to save them, but each man also wants to save himself. Daniel was facing execution, and David's own people were talking of stoning him for what they apparently blamed him for allowing to happen at Ziklag.

Their responses of grief, distress, and fear are not to be faulted. That is the
natural response of men in such situations;even mighty men of God. But what they do next in response is what makes them men of valor. They refuse to be consumed by their grief or fear. They take courage;but not in their own abilities. They both move boldly into the throne room of their God to ask for His guidance, mercy, and provision.
Each man makes his petition to God for himself and others, then yields himself
to God's leadership. They trust that God can and will come through for them and those they are defending. It's this trust, confidence, and dependence upon God's abilities, not their own, that enables them to lead (i.e., follow through with God's instructions).
I see that even God's mightiest leaders do face serious trouble.
What distinguishes them when they do is that they take that trouble before God with confidence that He is going to hear their requests and come through as He sees fit. Their strength and ability are not centered in what they can do, but on what God says He WILL do.

People will follow in confidence those that are confidently following God. Be
bold in requests for guidance and provision. Expect trouble, and expect God to come through for you. Trouble is God's opportunity to provide breakthrough and deliverance for His people through His leaders. When trouble comes;especially when it's focused on you personally; expect God to make a way for you to shine as a leader. To the degree that you follow God with confidence and obedience, others will follow you with that same spirit. God will prove you to be His man.

TROUBLE= Opportunity for God to do something amazing
SEEKING GOD IN TIME OF TROUBLE=Opportunity for God to show you what He's going to do and call you into active participation
FOLLOWING THROUGH WITH ACTION=Opportunity for God to increase your favor, influence, and authority

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