I spend quite a bit of time online, more than I should at times. I have a few blogs I 'write' and I follow a few others, I keep up with MMA and football and I get my news and political commentary from the net. I also spend quite a bit of time on Facebook. I have come across some pretty cool accounts of the Victory of Jesus in people's lives and other things that glorify the Great Jesus.


Encouragement- 11.30.09

Becky N.: Today, I am thankful God loves me enough to keep working on trying to make me more like Him...(even though I have a long way to go:)

Jeff S.: Hello my friends do you ever wonder if praying for someone really works well this is what you need to know. I have ask you to pray for Alan Farmer Ketron today he's walking around with a cane, I ask you to pray for Shelby Ketron she was on life support and gave 2 to 3 days to live with no hope she is doing good she was... sitting up and eating turkey on Thanksgiving Day. So you don't need to wonder no more here's proof.

Matt D.: I hope we as Americans get our heads out of the sand soon. I hope we can begin to realize what Thanksgiving and Christmas are all about. I'm afraid most people will head out the day after Thanksgiving and run their credit cards up even more. How can we get pissed at our government if we accumulate just as much private debt? I don't want to be ... See Morepessimistic, but we can't continue to live like this. Please, don't be tricked by rich bankster politicians who say they are going to "spread the wealth". Lets spread it ourselves by giving to others. Run in the 5k for the Jesus Center. Buy a homeless person a sandwich. Give to your local church. Volunteer your time serving food to the homeless. Make dinner for your grandparents. If you can, offer to pay whenever you can. Money is just ink and paper. Must we gorge ourselves on Turkey and then watch football all day and then do nothing for our fellow man? I am all for liberty and the choice to watch sports and meaningless entertainment, but if that is all we do, we might as well keep our heads buried so much in the sand and sit idle while so called representative government drives the debt past $12 trillion. Please people. Wake up! We must look within ourselves, the common person, and begin to empower ourselves with the decency and morality given to us by our divine Creator. Be thankful we have a Savior. Be thankful for each other. Be thankful we have the ability to fight for our freedoms. Don't be gorged so full of triptophane that you can't find the energy to continue to fight for those freedoms. If you have loved ones serving us in the military, God bless. Happy Thanksgiving.

Below is a status update with a couple of the comments.
Nikki T.: Love is a choice not an emotion. Who do you choose to love?

~~Scott C.: absolutely true statement. The emotion is nice but is neither necessary nor sufficient to be love. Real love is when the others best interests take precedence over your own. This is not to be confused with their emotional desires.

~~Dottie H.: I know your statement is true after being married to the same man for 34 1/2 years!!

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