I spend quite a bit of time online, more than I should at times. I have a few blogs I 'write' and I follow a few others, I keep up with MMA and football and I get my news and political commentary from the net. I also spend quite a bit of time on Facebook. I have come across some pretty cool accounts of the Victory of Jesus in people's lives and other things that glorify the Great Jesus.


Jan's Testimony 12.11.09

I know it seems paradoxical, but in the midst of all the trials I have been going through, I feel the presence of the Lord more now than ever. I even find myself waking up in the mornings with praise songs unto the Lord.
BTW, the seeds I planted in my son when he was young and during his impressionable teenage years, concerning the truths of the ... See More Lord, are now coming to fruition. Although I never force it down his throat, he confessed to me the other day that in spite of the fact that he hated God and despised me for professing Christ, had I not planted those seeds, fertilized them with prayer and watered them with my tears, he knows that he would have fallen prey to the satanic cults, as that was the path he was on. Now, The Holy Spirit is really opening up his eyes and he is even beginning to teach me new revelations.
God is so good!

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