I spend quite a bit of time online, more than I should at times. I have a few blogs I 'write' and I follow a few others, I keep up with MMA and football and I get my news and political commentary from the net. I also spend quite a bit of time on Facebook. I have come across some pretty cool accounts of the Victory of Jesus in people's lives and other things that glorify the Great Jesus.


Intellectual Black Hole

I think a lot of the details people wrestle with and try to understand will only drive us into a intellectual black hole that will lead us out of Gods presence and grace in our lives.These things have been argued to death since the beginning and will never be settled for good.I always try to leave my heart open to hear Gods truth in these matters ... Read More and God has shown me a tremendous amount of insight that I know are above me.Using ones intellect and reasoning can be dangerous for ones faith if its mixed with doubt,fear or bitterness or anything other than submission and trust in God. God says His ways are not our ways and that the gospel is foolish to those caught up in philosophy , intellectualism and trust in human reasoning. A point that we all need to understand and remember is that it's Gods plan that we cannot know him or find Him or understand Him by means of our wisdom.It comes from our heart and the change that takes place within us when we accept Christ into our life.Those changes and many other things He's done in me since I was saved 10 years ago are what has sustained my trust in God.My reasoning has yet to bring me closer to God.Maybe its good to use our intellect combined with faith but truth will never be found nor be understood by anyone ever using just our mind.I've walked out much of my Christian experience with a hard heart and utter darkness & emptiness around me(long story)those times are scary to look back on because when I have a hard heart its impossible for me to walk in faith and trust in God.I never would have survived those days had I not given my life to Christ 10 years ago.My mind during those times was my biggest enemy. Sorry so long I hope someone gets this cause I've made so many mistakes over the years, some intentional and many not,that I need to express to people I've had this fact beat into me( satans done the beating, not God!)that our thoughts and reasoning can be a easy path to destruction if our hearts aren't focused on Him,and they never are 100%.So be on guard always.Bless you guys!

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